
Land Capability Assessments & Wastewater Management

Edwards Environmental provides accurate, reliable, and cost-competitive Land Capability Assessments for safe onsite wastewater management. Preparation of assessments is guided by Local Planning Regulations, Federal and State Guidelines, and Australian Standards (AS:1546).

Assessment recommendations are based on analysis of scientific data including soil properties and profile characterisation, hydraulic and nitrogen loads, NATA accredited laboratory testing, climate records, landform analysis, surface water and stream proximities, and hydrogeological considerations.

Wastewater Feasibility Assessments are typically undertaken for proposed sub-divisions. The investigation aims to determine if decentralised wastewater treatment practices can provide appropriate and safe onsite treatment for each lot within the sub-division.

Assessments are carried out by drilling boreholes, soil sample collection, and site investigation. Reports are generally completed within 2 – 3 weeks following the site visit but this can be fast-tracked if required.


EPA Victoria – Code of Practice – Onsite Wastewater Management

Agriculture Victoria – LCA Guidelines

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